told of two brothers, the first a war monger,
and the other a struggling pacifist.
told their clash was over the meaning of a branching family,
how one wanted a house with porch-signs and the other didn’t.
told of the efforts they each put into dissension—the distinct clan flags,
bold dialectics that rolled down on each side of the house.
told their strife became too familiar with art of dropping heft,
with moving or pushing the larger ego forward.
told the graft they found had its own light and glory,
came with borrowed ideas (tricks and methods) to fight back.
told they also found heaviness stowed in deep pockets,
and prayer beads keepings things light.
told theirs was a community of celebrated zealots,
yearly memorials for brothers who plot, move against each other.
told they barely remembered home when all the fighting ended,
when they lost support and their faithful crowds.
told this all happened in a small town yet unaware of violence,
way before a mob came biting and chewing through everything (in sight) like a swarm.