Hark at you
feeling the vinegar sting
bassline quickening, makes its way through
your eyes screwing shut like a fastening.
A labrador coat is yellow and red because hackles are so much darker.
Say it clearly as pursed lips will allow, you’ll have cranberry juice with the vodka.
Anecdotally proven to drive a girl mad, all this crossing her legs like a heart cast about
for the best, not exactly the Christmas
of three of the same feather boa.
I’m better off dead, so your grandmother said
slotting green bottle into fridge with low thud and purpose.
The paramedics will know what it means, roughly:
resuscitate her at your peril.
In a mixed hostel shower in Amsterdam, so hot it was happy to scald you
a hairy hand curled camera into your stall, clicked once
and curled out once more.
You know, you’ve had it easy in your poxy life
ask the ostrich who swallowed a horseshoe.
A New York postman said get in the van
not one person laughs when you tell them
not one of your friends, who hear you cry
Us lot are newts in a saucepan of water! whilst holding their gazes
outstretching your arm and the hands on your clinking glasses are a similar sore pink
to under a daisy maybe, surely it must be the speaker
making things throb so much